Entries by RobynBM

Making it a Happy New Year!

Making it a Happy New Year! For many Australians caught up in bushfires or the devastating after-effects, it doesn’t seem appropriate to say Happy New Year.  It seems almost impossible to imagine a less happy start to 2020.   Even the traditional fireworks lighting up the night sky were controversial when brave firefighters were risking their […]

Stress Busters for the Holidays – 3

The stress reducing conversation! How did you go with the breathing techniques? I had a few situations involving traffic jams and conflicting demands where I needed to slow down and just breathe. It is good to find the techniques I share with my readers still work! Maybe you are asking is that all she can […]

Preparing for the Holiday Season

Welcome to the Holiday Season! Stuff to buy is everywhere. Shopping aisles are filled with trappings to assist happy, intact families celebrate together.  In the USA we are on a countdown from Thanksgiving to New Year for non-stop partying and forced togetherness.  In Adelaide, it starts with the Credit Union Christmas pageant. Does that thought […]